
Merti Integrated Development Programme (MID-P)

County - Isiolo
Merti Integrated Development Programme (MID-P) begun as a Community Based Organization in 2000 and was registered with NGO Coordination Board in 2003 as a National Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). 

MID-P envisions an Empowered, Just, Equitable and Resilient society in Northern Kenya. MID-P is a capacity building organization and has over the years employed participatory approaches to cushion the communities against hazards such as Drought, Resource Based Conflicts, Human and Livestock Diseases, Floods, Bushfire and recently Desert Locusts and Covid-19. 

MID-P promotes a philosophy of community managed/driven development where communities through their institutions play pivotal role in identifying needs/risk, designing interventions, implementing, monitoring and learning and enhancing ownership and sustainability. It employs right based approach to community development where the interventions are designed to facilitate the beneficiaries to address their needs and improve their lives and empowering them with knowledge, skills and attitudes for ownership of projects as well as demand for services from the government (both National and County).

It has implemented projects under water and sanitation, livelihood support and diversification, emergency relief response, Peace Building and Conflict Resolution, Education, lobby and advocacy. Current Priority Areas are; Sustainable Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Livelihoods, Youth Education and Empowerment, Local Governance and Institutional Strengthening.