Structure and governance
The ASAL Humanitarian Network (AHN) is a voluntarily collective of local and national organisations present and active in the ASAL counties of Kenya, unified around common issues and commitments. The AHN operates through its members, using a two-level structure that includes two components:
Governance: the General Assembly and Steering Committee
Operations: the Secretariat and Technical Working groups
General Assembly
The highest decision-making body of the ASAL Humanitarian Network and is responsible for setting strategic goals, approving budgets, policies, and oversight of the network's activities.
Steering Committee/Board
Governance: the General Assembly and Steering Committee
Operations: the Secretariat and Technical Working groups
General Assembly
The highest decision-making body of the ASAL Humanitarian Network and is responsible for setting strategic goals, approving budgets, policies, and oversight of the network's activities.
Steering Committee/Board
The Steering Committee is composed of 10 members, each representing the 10 ASAL Counties, with at least 50% female representation. Appointed at the annual summit, each member is responsible for representing all member organizations in their respective county.
The Steering Committee exercises "Board Powers" and meets quarterly to draft policies and reports, oversee the secretariat, approve budgets and activities, and provide reports to the General Assembly.
The Steering Committee exercises "Board Powers" and meets quarterly to draft policies and reports, oversee the secretariat, approve budgets and activities, and provide reports to the General Assembly.
The AHN Secretariat is an independent body within the AHN that is responsible for the day-to-day management and coordination of the network. Technical staff are recruited directly by AHN or seconded by the network's Strategic Partners.
The Secretariat consists of the AHN Convener, Strategic Coordinator, Advocacy, Communications and Media Lead and Humanitarian Program Manager.
The Secretariat consists of the AHN Convener, Strategic Coordinator, Advocacy, Communications and Media Lead and Humanitarian Program Manager.
County Forums/County Chapters
The forums are responsible for coordinating AHN activities at the county level, acting as a linkage, and building relationships with stakeholders and county governments. Office holders of the county chapters serve a renewable term as per the governance policy.
Technical Working Groups
Technical Working Groups
The Technical Working Groups (TWG) support AHN in operationalizing its workplan and achieving its objectives. The Working groups are based on the AHN thematic areas of focus and they include: (i)Preparedness, Response and DRR (ii) Advocacy, localization and Visibility and (iii) Capacity strengthening. Each of the working groups is led by a chair and/or co-chairs that are appointed annually at the AHN Summit and work in collaboration with the technical leads in the secretariat.