
Woman Kind Kenya (WOKIKE)

County: Garissa

Womankind Kenya is a national NGO registered in 1995 and particularly targets women and children, the most vulnerable members of the society. In addition,it addresses issues of Education, sustainable Livelihood, Water Sanitation & Health, Women Empowerment, Good Governance and emergency interventions. 

The mission of Womankind Kenya is : - To build confidence, raise self-esteem and empower the community we work with to participate fully in their own affair and decision making to facilitate community based projects. 

Womankind Kenya forms the basis for networking with Development Stakeholders both national and international to create a resource center and coordination platform to forge an inclusive planning for a sustainable community development on challenges affecting the pastoral community. While also Integrate the existing unexplored opportunities and successful model projects for improvement of socio-economic status of the target population.