
Arid Lands Development Focus (ALDEF)

County: Wajir, Tana River and Mandera

ALDEF Kenya started 30 years ago as a Community Based Organization (CBO) registered with the Department of Social Services. Over the years, ALDEF Kenya has grown in size and scope and is currently a national Non-governmental organization.

The guiding principle of ALDEF has been and is still a voluntary service to humanity. This means that the Board of Directors who started ALDEF gave their time and resources for free to the vulnerable amongst the people of Northern Kenya.

The core business of ALDEF is promoting good governance and advocacy, undertaking humanitarian emergency response, building resilience and strengthening institutional systems and capacities for enhanced service delivery in Kenya and in neighboring countries. The organisation believes in creating a humane and sustainable environment for vulnerable communities especially the pastoralists and the urban poor.

Aldef’s thematic areas of focus include; Good governance and advocacy, Building resilience, Humanitarian Emergency Response and Institutional System Strengthening