Advocacy, Localization, Media and Campaigns
The overall Advocacy, localisation, media and campaign goals are derived from the key goals and objectives of the network which focus on: Strengthening local humanitarian leadership to enhance a timely, efficient and effective response to humanitarian crises in Kenya. The focus of this pillar is to strengthen and amplify the voices and visibility of AHN on policy influencing at the county and national level to achieve the localization agenda.
Gender advocacy
Humanitarian crises continue to increase the risk of Gender Based Violence (GBV). To address the increased risks of sexual and gender-based violence as a result of the drought, and under the leadership of women rights organizations within the AHN, those at risk of gender-based violence are also provided with legal and medical referrals and receive psychosocial support. Additionally, AHN is raising awareness of these risks through radio shows and working closely with communities, gender desk and local authorities.